Shapiro Library offers bookable study rooms on the second floor and third floor. Walk-in/open study tables and comfortable chairs are available on all floors.
View availability in a list view.
How to book:
- Choose a date up to 7 days from today.
- Bookings can be made up to your desired time.
- Select an available timeslot for your reservation. If you'd like to reserve more than one hour, use the dropbox to select a later end time (up to 4 hours).
- Walk-in study space has no time restrictions.
Study rooms are not bookable Sunday-Thursday between 12am and 8am. We welcome you to use these spaces on a drop-in "first come, first served" basis.
Each Study Room will be cleaned between 5am and 6am, Monday through Friday. You are welcome to use the rooms during this time, but we ask you to please make space for Building Services staff. There is also signage in each room reminding patrons of the cleaning time window.
Contact with any questions.
Your Booking